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12:01 p.m. - 2002-01-14
no time to cry.
I was sitting on my bed holding a straw, someone walked in, he said nothing but somehow I knew his name was Robert. he just stood there, talking about various things I didn't care about and when he left he forgot his coat on my bed. it was a white coat with ugly red patches on it. my parents walked in, my dad asked me what is that straw doing on my bed and if I'm still doing cocaine. he was going on and on about Robert and how amazing he was. I didn't really listen, instead, I went to the balcony and looked down. Galit and her mother were there, Galit wore a nightgown and her mother looked at me and whispered something to her. Galit stared at me for a few seconds, then took a hose and sprayed some water on the carpet her mom held in her hands. I came back in, took the coat with me and headed over to my old school, which apparently turned into a construction site. I met Vik there, he looked pale and sick. he said they had some new movies in the library that I should check, and so I went down to the library only to find that it turned into a Tower Records. I was walking with Vik in the back of our sculpture class when Moty [the history teacher] came out of nowhere and yelled at us for hanging out at a construction site.



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